Thursday, 30 April 2020

Becoming a Robotics Engineer: What You Need to Do

Designing the world's top robots is a dream of many kids and teenagers. Robots have moved from science fiction into our everyday life. Better yet, robots that we previously thought would never be possible to create are now getting made. These are robotic machines like Boston Dynamics Spot mini or Atlas which can do parkour.

Behind these innovative machines are robotics engineers. They are mechanical and electrical designers who constantly push the limits of robotic invention. Robots aren't just for looking cool though, robotic engineers are vital to the function of modern production lines and factories. Truth is, robotics are all around us and they have an impact on pretty much every product or object we come into contact with each day.

Through the work of computer engineering jobs, jobs are made safer and more efficient, they are slowly shaping the future of making things. So, let's take a look at what it takes to become a robotics engineer and what to expect if you become one. 

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

UMaine breaks ground on new engineering education center

what jobs can you get with a computer science degree

The University of Maine held a virtual groundbreaking ceremony for the new $78 million Ferland Engineering Education and Design Center Tuesday.

The University says the design center will give students hands-on education for all of its engineering program with state of the art laboratories.

Construction of the 105,000 square foot facility will begin in May, and is expected to be completed in spring 2022.

“This is going to be the best space of its kind in the northeast," said Dana Humphrey, UMaine engineering Dean. "And because of that, it’s going to keep students in Maine, and it’s going to attract students from outside of Maine.”

The University stressed the new facility will be built with workers following appropriate COVID-19 health and safety guidelines.

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

It’s time for engineering and construction sector to think of technology adoption

The COVID-19 pandemic has made people aware of the power of technology. Along the same lines, Vijay Gupta, Chairman and CEO, SoftTech Engineers Limited, talks about why it’s about time for the engineering and construction sector to think about technology adoption.

Yes, the last few days have transformed the situation a lot. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the engineering and construction sector like never before. However, it would be unfair to say that the current situation has only brought challenges. It has also offered an opportunity to innovate and bring more and more technology into our businesses.

If I have to categorize the current challenges faced by the sector, I will categorize in three major areas:

  • Workforce
  • Cash flow
  • Supply chain

We all know that the engineering and construction sectors have a large pool of skilled and unskilled workforce. However, currently, the sector is facing an acute shortage of manpower, and on the other hand, the how much do computer engineers make has also struck the supply chain very hard. No doubt, there will be a larger impact on cash flow, customer acquisition, project completion, and workforce management.

Monday, 27 April 2020

UC Berkeley College of Engineering ranked 3rd nationwide

The latest U.S. News and World Report survey ranked the UC Berkeley College of Engineering third nationwide out of more than 200 graduate engineering schools March 17.

All of the specialty schools within the College of Engineering, including the department of bioengineering, the department of civil and environmental engineering and the department of electrical engineering and computer sciences, were also ranked within the top five in their respective fields.

“It’s a testament to the excellence of our faculty, students and staff,” said Mark Stacey, chair of the civil and environmental engineering department. “That culture of connecting the world-leading research to the classroom is what sets us apart.”

According to the U.S. News and World Report website, school rankings factor in data from four categories: quality assessment, student selectivity, faculty resources and research.

Sanjay Kumar, a campus professor and the computer science vs computer engineering department chair, said the campus’s rankings indicate that its peers think highly of the work the campus is doing.

Friday, 24 April 2020

Humanitarian engineering: Are universities missing a trick?

Historically, students have sat comfortably into a socially conscious category as early adopters of change. They were one of the earliest to protest or tackle issues that impact their future, whether it’s war, civil rights, abortion, gender equality or the environment.

In many ways, the field of humanitarian engineering (HE) fits neatly into those principles — of challenging a problem and collectively devising a solution.

Shrewd design innovations to address international humanitarian needs are being developed all the time.

At universities, however, this field of engineering is still notably under-represented. how much do computer scientists make, founding director of the Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship programme at Penn State University and director of the Mountaintop Initiative at Lehigh University, USA, is an advocate for HE and has led various education programmes over the last decade.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

No return to normal work announced for 93% of engineering employees

A new survey, carried out by Professional Engineering, shows 92.8% of respondents have not been given a timeframe for a return to normal by their company.

Of the 240 respondents, 87% are working from home. 15.5% of the IMechE members and Professional Engineering newsletter readers say colleagues have been furloughed despite their team working from home.

Although only 7.2% know when normal work will resume, roughly a third (30.5%) expect to work from home for nine to 12 weeks, while a similar number (29.2%) expect it to last for five to eight weeks. 7.3% expect just two to four weeks, so would be returning to work very soon. 10.3% expect longer than three months.

The pandemic took the world by surprise, but some firms were more prepared than others. 16.8% of respondents say their company was ‘not prepared at all’ for the computer engineering jobs, compared to a quarter (24.8%) saying it was ‘very’ prepared, 40.8% ‘somewhat’ prepared, and 17.7% ‘a little’.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Engineering colleges’ plea on admission of students

With what jobs can you get with a computer science degree engineering entrance tests, Odisha Private Engineering College Association (OPECA) urged Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik to consider the admission of Plus II students to diploma and engineering institutes on the basis of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Electronics (PCME) marks.

In a letter to the Chief Minister, OPECA secretary Binod Dash said as less time is available to conduct JEE and OJEE tests, admission of eligible students to diploma and engineering colleges for 2020-21 academic session be allowed on the basis of PCME marks which must be above or equal to 45 per cent of the total marks of 400. He also suggested that 50 per cent seats should be reserved for students from Odisha and the balance be allowed for admission from across the country based on the PCME marks.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

What You Need to Create an Online Engineering Portfolio

In the 21st century where everything is connected, it pays to have some form of digital interface where you can show off your work. If everyone from hairstylists to lawyers has digital presences that show off just what they can do, then you as an engineer or an engineering firm probably should too.

As an engineer, chances are you have worked on some pretty cool things. Even if your projects may not feel inherently interesting to you, chances are if you frame them the right way, they can be intriguing points of interest for colleagues or potential clients. One of the best ways to present what you have worked on as an engineer is by putting together some form of a digital portfolio. Rather than a manually presented "jobs with computer science degree" deck, why not try putting together your own website portfolio where anyone at any time can look through your past projects?

Monday, 20 April 2020

Integrating engineering with management: How NMIMS is leading the way

With technology transforming businesses across the globe, the professional landscape has become a dynamic space. Companies are now betting big on talent that is trained to meet new age demands, possess inter-disciplinary skills, and can innovate to keep up with industry rapids. This has, therefore, put an added impetus on young students to opt for courses that make them market competitive and industry-ready. 

One field of study that has been massively impacted by this is engineering. As the world experiences a new wave of computer engineering vs computer science  and rapidly adopts technologies like internet-enabled smart devices, autonomous vehicles, Machine Learning tools, Artificial Intelligence, among others, the B. Tech degree has become all-encompassing. 

Companies are now looking for human resources who are not only experts at emerging technologies in their domain but also understand its impact on company’s goals and business practices. This development has put the spotlight on business management techniques and analytical skills in engineering graduates.

Friday, 17 April 2020

Error Analysis: Share What You've Learned from Your Engineering Errors

The best electrical engineers, engineering students, and electronics makers look for opportunities to learn from their engineering errors. And they are always hungry for tips and tutorials that will help them succeed when designing, programming, testing, and launching new electronics projects, products, and applications. In a new series called "Error Analysis," our editors and staff engineers will share insights from computer science vs software engineering about engineering-related errors, mistakes, and mishaps. And, of course, we will detail important tips and tricks that will help others improve their design, testing, and programming skills. 

What Have You Learned from Your Engineering Errors?

Would you like to share details about your own engineering errors and experiences? Whether you are a pro engineer with embedded systems design experience or a weekend maker who loves DIY projects, we would like to hear from you. Take a few minutes and simply fill out our "Error Analysis" form so Elektor's team of editors and engineers can review your experience. Our team will consider the more helpful submissions for possible publication on our sites and in our magazines, such as Elektor, Elektor Industry.

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Computer Science Metamorphosis

Computer science program moves to the engineering department to better prepare students for industry changes
In July 2019, the Colorado Mesa University computer science program found a new home in the university’s expanding Department of Engineering — now the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

Moving the program from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics to engineering makes a lot of sense, according to Scott Kessler, PhD, department head of computer science
and engineering.

“Computer science has morphed over time,” he said. “What began as a part of the math and business departments has grown in importance for mechanical engineers. They need to learn coding and
what to do with a computer science degree.

Facilitating this change is the rise of mechatronics, a multidisciplinary branch of engineering combining electrical and mechanical systems.

“There isn't’t much of anything you touch that doesn't’t include embedded electronics,” said Kessler, pointing to everyday items like coffee makers and cars. “Because code drives the hardware, the design process is not linear. We see a serious need for engineers that understand electrical engineering and can write code, and computer science grads who can write code and understand how hardware works.“

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

What can you do with a masters in Computer Science?

The computer science industry is currently one of the fastest growing industries in the world. It exceeds the average increase in most other occupations by nearly 50%.

One of the main reasons for the increase has been the ever-changing technology landscape and the demand for skilled professionals who have new and changing expertise. Keep reading below to find out what jobs you could apply for once you have a masters in computer science.

While there are numerous computer science jobs available, there aren’t enough qualified individuals to fill them. The reason for this is that most of the jobs in this sector require niche skills. Most people in this industry have a bachelor’s degree qualification. A bachelor’s degree is a brilliant starting step, but it won’t allow you to apply for some of the more senior computer science roles. A lot of companies look for individuals who have a more in-depth knowledge, such as those who have completed a master’s degree. Click here to find out more information about Canada’s most popular degree; a masters in computer science major jobs.

There are thousands of jobs available in the computer science industry. 24% of the roles available are only available to people who have completed a master’s degree. Pursuing this degree could provide you with the edge you need to get one of these job

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Making big data processing more energy efficient using magnetic circuits

The rapid progression of technology has led to a huge increase in energy usage to process the massive troves of data generated by devices. But researchers in the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin have found a way to make the new generation of smart computers more energy efficient.

Traditionally, silicon chips have formed the building blocks of the infrastructure that powers computers. But this research uses magnetic components instead of silicon and discovers new information about how the physics of the magnetic components can cut energy costs and requirements of training algorithms -- neural networks that can think like humans and do things like recognize images and patterns.

"Right now, the methods for training your neural networks are very energy-intensive," said Jean Anne Incorvia, an assistant professor in the Cockrell School's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. "What our work can do is help reduce the training effort and energy costs."

The researchers' findings were published this week in what is computer engineering Nanotechnology. Incorvia led the study with first author and second-year graduate student Can Cui. Incorvia and Cui discovered that spacing magnetic nanowires, acting as artificial neurons, in certain ways naturally increases the ability for the artificial neurons to compete against each other, with the most activated ones winning out. Achieving this effect, known as "lateral inhibition," traditionally requires extra circuitry within computers, which increases costs and takes more energy and space.

Monday, 13 April 2020

VVDN Technologies Announces O-RAN Fronthaul IP for Both the DU & RU 7-2x Split Options

VVDN Technologies announces its Fronthaul Solution based on the O-RAN 7-2x functional split option between gNB-DU and gNB-RU. The IP can support multiple fronthaul interfaces and each fronthaul can carry up to 8 Layers of uncompressed IQ samples, each of 100MHz bandwidth with SCS of 30 kHz over a 25G interface and it will be further focused on the following

eCPRI IP Solution for O-RAN Transportation

IEEE 1588 PTP support block IP for Synchronization
Smart Interconnect for Packet classification and Quality of Service (QoS)
Support multiple compressions/de-compressions like Block floating-point (BFP) and modulation compression

Scalable Architecture

Mr. Joseph George,Vice President Business Unit (5G/Data-Centre) said,"We are potentially committed to growing in the what does a computer engineer do space and are trying to make the process seamless by addressing the diverse challenges with our focused engineering expertise".When asked about the challenge this solution will address,He further added,"Open-Radio Access Network (O-RAN) will deliver truly open fronthaul interfaces,in which multi-vendor DU-RRU interoperability can be realized along with high throughput and very low latency".

Friday, 10 April 2020

UCLA Computer Scientist Receives Test-of-Time Award for Influential Research Paper on Encryption

UCLA computer science professor Amit Sahai and longtime collaborator Brent Waters, of NTT Research, have received a Test-of-Time award from the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR).

The association gives its Test-of-Time Awards annually to selective authors of papers that were delivered 15 years prior at each of the three IACR general conferences (Eurocrypt, Crypto and Asiacrypt) and that have had a lasting influence on the field.

Sahai and Waters, who is also a computer science professor at the University of Texas at Austin, presented their paper “Fuzzy Identity-Based Encryption,” at the 2005 Eurocrypt conference. The paper introduced attribute-based encryption, in which policy rather than individuals determines who can encrypt.

“This paper marked the beginning of a long and fruitful journey into understanding how we can process data while it is still in encrypted form, in a way that eventually yields an output that is not encrypted, but which doesn’t reveal all the data originally encrypted,” said Sahai, who also is the director of the what is the difference between computer science and computer engineering for Encrypted Functionalities. “In the end, this line of work led us to the even grander goal of hiding secrets within software. This problem, called secure software obfuscation, remains a central research focus for both Brent and me. We look forward to many more years of collaboration and friendship.”

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Virtual Reality for Engineering and Scientific Visualization Market to Witness Astonishing

This report studies the Virtual Reality for Engineering and Scientific Visualization Market with many aspects of the industry like the market size, market status, market trends and forecast, the report also provides brief information of the competitors and the specific growth opportunities with key market drivers. Find the complete Virtual Reality for Engineering and Scientific Visualization Market analysis segmented by companies, region, type and applications in the report.

The major players covered in Virtual Reality for computer engineer vs computer science and Scientific Visualization Market: Google,Microsoft,Oculus VR (Facebook),Autodesk Inc.,Samsung Electronics,HTC,Eon Reality,Vuzix,Sony,Leap Motion,Vuzix,Sixense Enterprises,Dassault Systemes SE,Lenovo Group Ltd.,Magic Leap, Inc.

This report studies the Virtual Reality for Engineering and Scientific Visualization Market with many aspects of the industry like the market size, market status, market trends and forecast, the report also provides brief information of the competitors and the specific growth opportunities with key market drivers. Find the complete Virtual Reality for Engineering and Scientific Visualization Market analysis segmented by companies, region, type and applications in the report.

The major players covered in Virtual Reality for Engineering and Scientific Visualization Market: Google,Microsoft,Oculus VR (Facebook),Autodesk Inc.,Samsung Electronics,HTC,Eon Reality,Vuzix,Sony,Leap Motion,Vuzix,Sixense Enterprises,Dassault Systemes SE,Lenovo Group Ltd.,Magic Leap, Inc.

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Marvelous Demand of Engineering to Order(ETO) ERP Software Market in Globally to 2027

The “Engineering to Order(ETO) ERP Software Market” 2020 report includes the market strategy, market orientation, expert opinion and knowledgeable information. The Engineering to Order(ETO) ERP Software Industry Report is an in-depth study analyzing the current state of the Engineering to Order(ETO) ERP Software Market. It provides a brief overview of the market focusing on definitions, classifications, product specifications, manufacturing processes, cost structures, market segmentation, end-use applications and industry chain analysis. The study on Engineering to Order(ETO) ERP Software Market provides analysis of market covering the industry trends, recent developments in the market and competitive landscape.

It takes into account the what can you do with a computer science degree, value, volume, revenue, production, consumption, sales, manufacturing cost, prices, and other key factors related to the global Engineering to Order(ETO) ERP Software market. All findings and data on the global Engineering to Order(ETO) ERP Software market provided in the report are calculated, gathered, and verified using advanced and reliable primary and secondary research sources. The regional analysis offered in the report will help you to identify key opportunities of the global Engineering to Order(ETO) ERP Software market available in different regions and countries.

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Computer Science Create, Compute, and Community Day

 We want to give students and parents of all ages a fun and engaging introduction to computer science. These ideas are designed for every student and family to engage in activities that show how computational thinking can be used to solve problems and express every child’s identity.

Giving instructions to successfully complete a maze

Families will lay out tiles (or other objects found at home) to form a maze and think of what commands they need to follow to solve it (move one step forward, turn left, turn right, etc.)
Repeat, make the maze longer or more complex.

Get other family members to try to solve the maze

  • Dance Party, computer science engineer salary and Astronomy are but a few of the fun and engaging activities families can engage in through is launching Code Break — a live, weekly interactive classroom where their team will teach children at home while school is closed, and a weekly challenge to engage students of all abilities, even those without computers.

  • Grades 3-5, Sample Activity: Creating a Scratch project representation of a room in the home
  • Students will think of 3 items in a room that are the most interesting to them
  • They will open Scratch, add sprites that represent these 3 items, and learn how to make them interactive
  • Students will continue to explore Scratch and experiment with different features of it
  • Grades 6-8, Sample Activity: Drawing images using JavaScript
  • Students will be taught how to draw images using the p5 library of JavaScript
  • They will learn how to make rectangles and ovals, and will be given challenges of pictures to try to recreate
  • Afterwards, students can create their own pictures and learn how to make other shapes
  • High School, Sample Activity: Making a poster using JavaScript
  • Students will be given code that creates a poster using p5
  • They will see how they can create comments and utilize work that already exists as a baseline to make their own creations
  • Afterwards, students will create their own posters using a sample as a base

Monday, 6 April 2020

Try Free Computer Science Challenges From Home

Explore computer science with free coding activities from Girls Who Code, one of the Arlington Public Library's educational partners. Girls Who Code's activities are available for instant download for anyone who wants to try something new! The challenges feature a range of difficulty levels, from activities for absolute beginners to experienced coders, so they are a great introduction to computer science.

What difference between computer engineering and computer science do? A computer scientist writes the code or instructions a computer follows to perform a task. Studying computer science and coding builds the skills to design websites, analyze programs, develop software, and maybe even make your own videogame.

Try out some of these skills with GWC's free activities. These fun and educational challenges feature online and offline options. Pick one to do on a computer or device, or take a screentime break with an unplugged activity. Girls Who Code is releasing new activities weekly.

Friday, 3 April 2020

A surge of apps programming

It has been here since the very beginning of the modern computer era, circa the 1950s, and it is proving now that it is more important than ever, with the sudden surge in the demand for software applications of all kinds, because of the confinement situation that wants us to stay at home and to work remotely. It is computer programming.

A certain number of elements come together to make the Internet work. Electricity, various computer hardware, cabling, data storage, Internet Service Providers, routers, protocols, etc. Whereas each is indispensable, the system would not work at all without good programming. It is worth remembering that, on the dark side of technology, computer viruses too are nothing but programmes.

At the basic level of the web, a good browser is the programme, the software tool that lets you open a window to look at the world. Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Edge are the main browsers, with Google’s Chrome claiming the market lion’s share with about 56 per cent of the world web traffic, according to computer science vs computer programming report last month. Google has just announced that given the crisis situation it is postponing just a little the release of Chrome’s upcoming version update.

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Help Profs Teach Stanford's Popular, and Now Free, Online Intro to Coding Course

Hello from home, where I’m flattening the curve and seeking the most effective ways to help from a distance. I found a great one for curve-flatteners who love to teach and/or code: collaborate with world-renowned Stanford professors to mentor a group of students as they learn to code from home.

For the first time, Stanford is opening its wildly popular introductory coding class, CS106A, to the public--completely free of charge. CS 106A, taken by almost 1,600 students every year, has been developed over the last 30 years by an amazing team of Stanford professors. I was once one of those students. I took CS 106A with Nick Parlante and was blown away by how fun, well-organized, and empowering it was. The condensed public course, 106A - Code in Place, will teach fundamentals of computer programming with the widely-used computer science vs information technology.

This is not just another MOOC. Yes, there will be three filmed lectures a week. But what makes CS106A special is its section leaders, mentors who teach 40-minute small-group sections of students outside of the lectures. Section leaders are specially trained to help students learn in an interactive and community-oriented way. In order to scale the course to the public in a way that maintains its magic, Stanford is looking for volunteer mentors to fill the role of section leader for students in the public course. Each new volunteer means 10 more students learn to love coding while stuck at home—and that could lead to exponential growth in the number of people in the world with critical thinking and programming skills!

Difficulties are seemingly more basic and pressing than the actual blackouts

 These difficulties are seemingly more basic and pressing than the actual blackouts. For some telecoms, enormous separates actually exist be...