Thursday, 14 May 2020

Demand Side Causing Increasing Concern To German Mechanical Engineering Companies

The corona pandemic is now being felt throughout the mechanical engineering industry. Nine out of ten companies see themselves as being affected by the economic consequences of the pandemic, according to the results of the fourth VDMA survey among its member companies, according German engineering body VDMA. The demand side is causing increasing concern to the mechanical engineering companies.

According to the survey, in mid-April almost half of the companies still stated that they had been noticeably or seriously affected on the supply side. In the current survey, the figure is now just under four out of ten companies. Many mechanical engineering companies report that the difficulties with supplies from China in particular are easing. However, at the beginning of May, only just over 30% of companies expected an increase in how to become a computer engineer. Almost half of the companies now expect the situation to remain tense for the next three months.

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