Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Faster Acceleration Of Digital Technology?

 Recently I was researching a new technological development I had heard about from a friend. It sounded like something that would make an interesting topic for an upcoming article, but my best-laid plans fell apart. I got sidetracked by a couple of splashy headlines designed to catch my attention. Like the Siren’s Song of Greek mythology, they could not have lured me off course any better. I couldn’t ignore them.

One headline said something about how the COVID-19 was pushing the population deeper into cyberspace. Another discussed the technological war on the pandemic. But the one that really hooked me said that is computer science engineering was accelerating the evolution of digital technologies.

Heck, I thought the pace of technological advancement was moving along extremely fast without any additional help. If something was increasing the speed of digital development, I wanted to know about it. A quick read of several of these attention-getting articles revealed the actual emphasis wasn’t about how fast new technologies were emerging or evolving.

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